Council Gardens abounds with cultural, sporting, spiritual and educational activities including:
Pursuing entertainment at various musical programs, concerts, and Friday movie afternoons
Celebrating national and religious holidays
Refining writing skills and sharing life stories in weekly workshop (in collaboration with Literary Cleveland)
Reading in a recently renovated library
Enjoying book exchange program with Cleveland Heights Public Library
Gardening in season
Socializing with friends at by-weekly nutritious and delicious brunches
Working out in the wellness class
Improving health and physical strength by exercising on indoor and outdoor equipment
Swimming at the Mandel JCC and Cumberland Pool (transportation provided)
Worshipping in monthly Shabbat Services
Working on English skills in small conversational groups
Playing friendly, competitive games in a beautiful Community Room
Or just plain gathering in apartments, outdoors or inside

Creative Writing Group
One of the most exciting and unique programs at Council Gardens is our Writing Club. It unites writers and poets, well established and the beginners, American born and some for whom English is their second language.
The highlight of year 2022 was the publication of “Writing in the Gardens” (Volume 1), the first book of memoirs, stories and poem created by talented Council Gardens tenants participating in Literary Cleveland workshops. The writing in the book is detailed, moving, humorous, complex, insightful, and as full of life as the tenants of our complex themselves. Like the plants and flowers that make up a garden, the individual stories of the tenants combine to reveal the vibrant community that is Council Gardens. Volume one of the book features about 20 writers, six of who are Russian- speaking and have their works translated into English.
On August 12, 2022, the book was presented to the big crowd of Council Gardens tenants, their family members and friends, representatives of Literary Cleveland and media. The event was a great success!
“What an amazing day we had! It was one of the most outstanding experiences of my life! Our dining room was packed out and filled with happy, smiling people! And the Press! And beautiful food! Council Gardens rocks!” Eileen M.
“Reading in the Gardens” is a unique event. It was so deep, unusual, and significant, that it simply cannot be forgotten. Thanks to those who came up with wonderful holiday of the soul and who implemented it with great success.” Faina B.
Our Gardens in Bloom!
Perhaps the greatest feature of Council Gardens is our extraordinary individual and community gardens. Our tenants have the opportunity to plant, tend to, and harvest fruit, vegetables and flowers in their own private gardens, tilled and prepared for them by our landscapers.
If you do not have a green thumb, you can still enjoy the home-grown, organic produce from our gardens, offered to you right on our property during summer vegetable and berry sales. Best of all, the prices are lower than what you would pay at the grocery store! Luscious apples, berries, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, zucchini are just some of the organically grown delights.
Council Gardens is 60 Years Young.
On Sunday, July 30, 2023, Council Gardens celebrated its 60th anniversary with over 150 guests in attendance. Everyone enjoyed the unique show of art works created by Council Gardens’ tenants and staff, amazing music, delicious food, and variety of drinks served on the newly renovated patio and in the gardens.
To learn more about Council Gardens in bloom, see the festivities, or tour our beautiful complex together with Barbara Mervine, our Executive Director, and guests, click the links below.
Council Gardens’ 60th Anniversary Party
Tenants’ Art Show
Calendar of Events & Newsletter
What Tenants Say…
From my first day here, I felt right at home….
“I moved to Council Gardens in February 2021. From my first day here, I felt right at home. I feel welcome, secure and at peace. I am very comfortable living here. I feel like I have another family at Council Gardens. Everyone is so friendly and caring, and this is the way that world needs to be.”
-Ruby W.
Council Gardens is all about dignity…
“In 2022 I moved into my apartment in Council Gardens. I then realized that quality of life had converged with the center that truly celebrates the dignity of the individual!
Sometimes I lay on my bed and wonder at the beauty of my apartment. Let’s start with the kitchen. I love to cook and bake. This is not a limited kitchenette. But it is a real kitchen with the stove and oven. Lots of kitchen cabinets lead into the well-planned storage area. High ceilings and large windows grace the living area.
It’s said that people make all the difference. I am so happy to have made my group of diverse Friends. Mutual support is a way of the life here! And let’s never forget the kindness of Council Gardens’ staff, who are so wonderful. Council Gardens is all about Dignity!”
-Judith B.
“A new chapter in my life…”
“Just about a year ago I found myself embarking on a new chapter in my life.
My mother encouraged (HOUNDED) me to look at Council Gardens. I had been looking at a place to move to for quite some time and her friend, who had resided here for many years, highly recommended this establishment. And here I am.
This new venture which at first had me filled with anxiety, fear, and certainly many unknowns has proven to be a true blessing in my life. As I sit here and reflect on this journey, a slow steady smile overtakes my face.
I am thinking of the friendships I’ve created. All the delicious food that has been so graciously bestowed upon me. I am blessed. I have even taken up gardening. Who knew. Certainly not me. Just looking around me I realized what a wonderful, diversified community I am a part of. The future seems sunny and full of possibilities, and I look forward to seeing what is in store for me.”
-Tricia Austin
“We could never have imagined meeting such people before…”
“When we needed to downsize, Council Gardens, a place we had never heard of, offered us an oasis, an island gem in the sea of unknowns. The building complex provides a congenial lifestyle with a Jewish flavor thanks to its founding by the National Council of Jewish Women, even a visiting rabbi. We have friends and neighbors from around the U.S., Russia, Europe and worldwide. The complex is very pet friendly, with dogs, cats and birds coexisting in the same hallways. Even our goofy Lab, Coco, has a fan club of both American and Russian speakers that he meets on his multiple daily walks.
There is a huge pool of talent and amazing backgrounds, with doctors, poets, artists and engineers, teachers and nurses, all in our little community. We could never have imagined meeting such people before. There are game groups, holiday events, both Jewish and secular, cultural events, concerts and trips, even on-site library and professionally guided group writing option. Who expected to be published in the beautiful first ever collection of poems, essays, and memoirs from our diverse writing group?
The staff works hard to provide a community atmosphere, with far more social interactions than we had in our house, while in a safe and secure supportive environment. The namesake flower and vegetable gardens provide vibrant color and great variety, showing off the skill and dedication of our talented neighbors. There is far more at Council Gardens than we ever expected in apartment living, and all on a shoestring budget.”
-Liz & Ted R.
“I could garden from my wheelchair…”
“When I moved to Council Gardens 16 years ago, I quickly picked up that gardening was the common denominator among all the residents. To my delight, the raised garden beds were installed, so that I could garden from my wheelchair. I have gardened almost every year since then. I have grown enough tomatoes and eggplants and basil for an army. This year, I chose to go in a different direction. I planted all sunflowers. The giant ones, with huge heads. It’s my hope that by the time they all bloom, they’ll be so tall, you will be able to see them from all over the property. Sunflowers make people smile.”
-Bonnie K.

Get In Touch
(216) 382-8625
2501 North Taylor Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
Let's Build Your Dream Life Together
Council Gardens invites you to visit our suites and tour our fabulous gardens. When you see all we have to offer, the decision to join our family will be an easy one. Council Gardens is a unique group of senior adults who thrive and flourish in an environment of active leisure, intellectual stimulation, warm interactions, and remarkable home-grown gardens. Imagine the joy of waking up knowing you are surrounded by friends and staff who care.
To schedule a tour of Council Gardens, call Marina Markovich at
216-382-8625 X 1004